FDOT Advanced Temporary Traffic Control ONLINE
This course will provide the student with an understanding and ability to use the Florida Department of Transportation’s current Design Standards and apply them in a variety of situations. The student will also receive a better understanding of the concepts and vocabulary necessary to work within the field.
The training described in this course applies to all personnel responsible for the planning, development, design, implementation, operation, enforcement and inspection of work zone related transportation management and temporary traffic control on streets and highways within the State Highway System right-of-way. This process does not apply to Law Enforcement Officers. However, there is no experience or prerequisite required for any category of training.
This course consists of instructor-led presentation, activites and a 50-question test. The successful student will be awarded a certificate & wallet card by the Florida Department of transportation and will be identified on the Florida Department of Transportation State of Florida’s MOT Administrator Webpage.
This two-day FDOT IMOT certification course is required of all persons with duties that include the following activities:
Personnel responsible for supervising the installation, removal and field maintenance of TTC devices, excluding temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions.
Inspection of the placement or operational function of temporary traffic control devices, excluding temporary barriers, end treatments and crash cushions.