Lagos Liquid Fire Conference 2024

  • 6 January 2024
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Lagos Liquid Fire Conference 2024

Lagos Liquid Fire Conference 2024

Lagos Liquid Fire Conference 2024. A time of fresh fire and deep encounter with Jesus to propel you into the new year. Attendance is free!

Are you ready for a life transforming experience with the Holy Spirit?

Women of Purpose International Network presents:

Lagos Liquid Fire Conference 2024

Theme: The Treasure! (Matthew 6:21)

Ministering: Rev Stella Ebegbuna (President WOPIN)

Apostle John Ebegbuna (President Firebrand International Gospel Missions)

And other Anointed Ministers.

Drama Presentation:Living Image Drama and Films

Date: Saturday 6th of January 2024

Time: 12 noon

Venue: Oriental Hotels, Lekki, Lagos

Come prepared to glorify Jesus!

It’s a free event!

“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14