Sex Club: ONLINE – 4 Week Course I

  • 5 February 2024 - 11 February 2024

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Sex Club: ONLINE – 4 Week Course I

Sex Club: ONLINE – 4 Week Course I

Inquiring into your Desires, Boundaries, Fears, Communication, Solo & Partner Sex

★★★★★ It is hard to over-emphasize the quality of the experience offered by this course and its facilitators. Juliane and Conor have created something very powerful that I suspect consistently exceeds the expectations of everyone who participates in it for the first time. I signed up simply curious about it, but the depth of the journey, the weekly dose of pure joy, the growth as aftermath, and above anything else the experience of connection with the astounding humans that took part in it have given this course an un-replaceable spot in my heart. Thank you.” – David Gutierrez

Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you have sex or no sex, you experience 14 different types of orgasms or none, you masturbate a lot or not at all. You’re definitely a sexual being.

The relationship to, and conditioning and experience of our sexuality affects all of us. It permeates our day to day experience consciously and subconsciously more than we realise.

Throughout our life the majority of us didn’t develop of practise a processing our sexuality or making sense of it. Mostly, we’re unable to translate our inner experience, desires, boundaries and fears into words because we’re not used to it.

★★★★★ Sex Club has been the most exciting, fun & rewarding course I’ve been part of. Each week I connected with parts of myself, emotionally as much as sexually in ways like never before. At times, it was painful and scary but necessary and met with such love and care from the beautiful souls on this journey with me. Juliane and Conor have hit on something really quite powerful and revolutionary with this course, which they facilitate with such gorgeous humanity and vulnerability. It’s also just great craic! Thank you with every ounce of my being.” – Mary-Jane Fox

In this 4 week Sex Club Course we will take you on a collective journey to practise expressing your experience in words. Hear and learn from others, and explore key elements that are necessary to connect to your sexuality more profoundly and experience a richer sex life:

Week 1: Desires & Boundaries -explore your deepest desires, both known and unknown. Learn about your boundaries. Develop self-compassion and make friends with your sexuality.
Week 2: Shame – practise the articulation of your shame, insecurities and needs. Shame doesn’t withstand exposure.
Week 3: Communication – learn and practise how to communicate your desires and boundaries. Develop confidence and ease to discuss intimacy and sexuality with lovers and friends.
Week 4: Solo & Partner Sex – exchange your experiences and relationship to masturbation and cultivate self love. Explore the difference between your need for sexuality and your need for intimacy.

Over the 4 week period we will create a container together where through shared vulnerability and a commitment to each other we’ll create group trust so it will feel safe to go deeper into our experiences, de-armour insecurities and shame through exposure and find new confidence and comfort in ourselves as a sexual beings.

We will take you through group exercises and enquiries drawn from group process and shadow work that consist of conversational enquiries. Whilst we will offer a framework of exercises, this course very much focuses on tapping into the collective knowledge and experience of the group. No one has figured out how to do sex or intimacy, yet we’ve all learned something along the way. These learnings we’ll share, and we piece together the puzzle that will create a learning experience that is bigger than the sum of its parts, whilst creating a sense of community and deep connection to your fellow explorers on the way.

Sex Club is a fully inclusive space to everyone regardless of actual or perceived sexual identity, gender identity, gender expression, economic status, ability, disability, religious beliefs or disbeliefs, immigration status, or location. The space will be held safely yet bravely. It is confidential and we each share only what we feel to share.

Mondays over 4 weeks from 7:00 – 9:30pm (UK Time) on 22nd, 29th Jan, 5th and 12th Feb 2024. Zoom Room will open at 6:55pm (UK Time). To create a safe space with no disruptions no entry will be possible after 7:00pm (UK Time).

This course is fully inclusive and valuable to everyone regardless of relationship status or model you’re in, age (18+), ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and experience, religious beliefs, income and otherwise. No previous experience in similar workshops is necessary. Join by yourself, with your friend(s), lover(s), partner(s). Please feel free to email us ([email protected][email protected]) with any questions, it’s okay to feel nervous.

Although this course can be therapeutic, it is not therapy. Whilst we set up a container that enables trust and honesty, we ask everyone to take responsibility for their experience. Please speak to your therapist if you have experienced abuse or trauma through touch or otherwise before you decide to take this course.

We want Sex Club to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income. If you are a high earner please consider the Supporter Ticket which sponsors people with low income. We have a limited amount of concession tickets available for people with no income, please apply for at [email protected] with your motivation to join the course.


★★★★★ “The beauty is the way in which Juliane and Conor encourage you to find your own answers. This self-inquiry has been so much more than everything I expected… Touching, delicate, unapologetic, bold, clarifying…and I am proud to have taken this journey with this group of fierce, brilliant human beings.” – Cj J.

★★★★★ “Juliane and Conor held the space beautifully and created an environment where I could share things I’d never spoken about before. They also encouraged us and created a framework for us to feel into how much was right to share at any moment, to stay in the learning zone rather than the panic zone or comfort zone. Lots of depth, and also lightness and joy” – Emilia M.

★★★★★ “Excellently held. The virtual space was held so well that we were all able to embrace vulnerability in order to share, release and grow. A powerful course where everyone was committed and there for the same truth.” – Alasdair K.

Juliane Mueller
I am a counsellor, coach and facilitator of transformational group spaces to further our individual and collective evolution.

Sexual liberation is at the heart of individual transformation, without which there can be no meaningful societal progress. To this end, I co-founded Sex Club in 2017.

When designing and facilitating group processes, I focus on tapping into the existing wisdom and resources of the individual, and the exchange of their process within the group. This creates by nature a connected up-to-date peer-to-peer learning environment

In my therapeutic work, I support individuals and couples to resolve inner conflict and strengthen their self-leadership.

Conor Cregg

I’m a group psychologist trained as a counsellor and coach. I design group processes and offer one-to-one sessions to help people to deepen their self awareness and return to their natural state of ease and flow.

I’ve been leading Sex Club with Juliane since the beginning and I’ve found it deeply touching to see the impact it has had for participants on the courses and in the workshops.

My background is in psychology with a B.A. in psychology and an MSc in behaviour change, I’ve also trained as a holistic counsellor.


REFUND POLICY: Please note, we only arrange refunds in exceptional circumstances though you may pass your ticket on to a friend or a different event.

# love # boundaries # love # sex # orgasms # sexuality # connection # relationships # tantra #relationships # london # workshops # personal development





  • Time : 11:00 am - 2:00 pm (UTC+0)

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